Success story
Image workflow automation
Image workflow: a fraction of the time with automation
How to optimize 16,000 images per day efficiently?
„A picture is worth a thousand words.” The emotional power of images is undisputed. The better the photo or image, the greater the effect. Nevertheless, well-known publishing houses such as Bauer Media Group, Motorpresse Stuttgart or Dierichs Verlag raised the question: How can we increase the productivity of our image workflow and make it more profitable in the long run? OneVision, as an automation expert, was able to help with this challenge. With Amendo – software for automated image processing – the image optimization of the publishing houses was successfully standardized and streamlined. Regardless of whether print or online publication, the image quality remains consistently high.

The OneVision Highlights
44 minutes vs. 41 seconds: That's how fast Amendo performed compared to manual processing in a test of automatic image editing. In order to withstand increasing cost pressure and produce magazines and journals economically, publishing houses worldwide are looking for solutions to automate their image optimization and image workflow. With Amendo, the Bauer Media Group, Motorpresse Stuttgart and Dierichs Verlag, among others, are securing these advantages:
- Significantly increased image throughput with automation
- Reliable productivity – Amendo produces 24 hours / 7 days a week
- Consistently high image quality matched to color and output requirements
- Transparency and control over costs and image workflow
- Integration with upstream and downstream systems for an automated image workflow
Intelligent image analysis – automated image processing
In a detailed image analysis, Amendo examines images and, depending on the results, makes fully automatic corrections to contrast, brightness, and depth, and also optimizes skin, sky, and vegetation tones.

Stefan Widman, Head of Media Production, Motor Presse Stuttgart„Amendo clearly saves us time as the software enables us to perform the basic optimization for all images at an enormously high throughput and with a consistently high quality. The detection and correction of sky and vegetation tones saves us outlining elaborate, complex image areas.”
Easy integration into existing system landscape
Amendo is based on a highly flexible workflow management system that can be easily integrated with existing editorial systems and all other upstream and downstream systems. By working with metadata, image optimization and image workflow are automated, significantly increasing throughput.
More about integration